Friday, June 25, 2010


Cartoon that is a maze of Middle East motorcycle speeding down the road of diplomacy in the direction of war, not peace. By Yonatan Frimer

Maze Cartoon of motorcycle of the Middle East speeding down the diplomatic road in the direction of war, not peace. Created by Yonatan Frimer

maze cartoon of road to peace or war motorcycle
Maze cartoon of a motorcycle lableled, "middle east" speeding down a road in the direction of war, and away from the direction of peace. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution to Motorcycle maze.
click here to view the latest maze cartoons by Yonatan Frimer
Click here to view maze art by Yonatan Frimer

More about this maze cartoon's topic:

Dark War Clouds Loom on Mid-East Horizon
by Herbert London 06/23/2010

The gathering storm in the Middle East is gaining momentum. War clouds are on the horizon and, as with conditions prior to World War I, all it takes for explosive action to commence is a trigger.

Turkey’s provocative flotilla—often described in Orwellian terms as a humanitarian mission—has set in motion a flurry of diplomatic activity, but if the Iranians send escort vessels for the next round of Turkish ships, it could present a casus belli.

It is also instructive that Syria is playing a dangerous game with both missile deployment and rearming Hezbollah. According to most public accounts, Hezbollah is sitting on 40,000 long-, medium- and short-range missiles and Syrian territory has served as a conduit for military material from Iran since the end of the 2006 Lebanon War.

Should Syria move its own scuds to (Click here to read the full article)

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Thursday, June 24, 2010


Maze Cartoon of Tony Hayward fixing a leak on his boat, by Yonatna Frimer

Maze Cartoon of Tony Hayward fixing a leak on his boat.
maze cartoon of Tony Hayward with a leak in his boat.
Maze cartoon of Tony Hayward, BP CEO, trying to stop a leak on his boat. Which he approaches the same way he did for the leak in the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.
Created by Yonatan Frimer

Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution.

Maze cartoons by Yonatan Frimer
Maze Art by Yonatan Frimer

More about this maze cartoon's topic:

Gulf residents outraged by BP CEO's yacht outing

Jun 19, 4:09 PM (ET)


VENICE, La. (AP) - Just when it seemed Gulf residents couldn't get any more outraged about the massive oil spill fouling their coastline, word came Saturday that BP's CEO was taking time off to attend a glitzy yacht race in England.

Tony Hayward's latest public relations gaffe didn't sit well with people in the U.S. who have seen their livelihoods ruined by the massive two-month oil spill.

"Man, that ain't right. None of us can even go out fishing, and he's at the yacht races," said Bobby Pitre, 33, who runs a tattoo shop in Larose, La. "I wish we could get a day off from the oil, too."

As social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook lit up with anger, BP spokespeople rushed to defend Hayward, who has drawn withering criticism as the public face of his company's halting efforts to stop the worst oil spill in U.S. history.

Robert Wine, a BP spokesman at the company's Houston headquarters, said it's the first break Hayward has had since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20, killing 11 workers and setting off the undersea gusher.

"He's spending a few hours with his family at a weekend," Wine said Saturday. "I'm sure that everyone would understand that."

Not Mike Strohmeyer, who owns the Lighthouse Lodge in Venice, on Louisiana's southern tip, who said Hayward was "just numb."

"I don't think he has any feelings," he said. "If I was in his position.....

Click here to read the full article on AP News

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Friday, June 18, 2010


Maze proves that bigger bonus equals worse performance

BUSINESS BOOKS-Bigger bonus, worse performance

Click the title to view the original article.

* Author says bonus pressure leads to poorer performances
* Bankers still convinced their skills deserve big pay

By Kristina Cooke

NEW YORK, June 17 (Reuters) - Around the turn of every year, bankers can think of only one thing: the size of their bonuses.

Even beyond bonus season, they run different scenarios and assumptions, trying to calculate their number.

This distracts them so much that the bigger the bonus at stake, the worse the performance, according to behavioral economist Dan Ariely, who lays out his theory in his new book "The Upside of Irrationality" (HarperCollins, $27.99).

"For a long time we trained bankers to think they are the masters of the universe, have unique skills and deserve to be paid these amounts," said Ariely, who also wrote the New York Times bestseller "Predictably Irrational."

"It is going to be hard to convince them that they don't really have unique skills and that the amount they've been paid for the past years is too much."

Ariely's findings come as regulators try to rein in Wall Street's bonus culture after the 2008 financial collapse. The financial industry argues it needs to pay large bonuses to attract and motivate its top employees.

In an experiment in India, Ariely measured the impact of different bonuses on how participants did in a number of tasks that required creativity, concentration and problem-solving.

One of the tasks was Labyrinth, where the participants had to move a small steel ball through a maze avoiding holes. Ariely describes a man he identified as Anoopum, who stood to win the biggest bonus, staring at the steel ball as if it were prey.

"This is very, very important," Anoopum mumbled to himself. "I must succeed." But under the gun, Anoopum's hands trembled uncontrollably, and he failed time after time.

A large bonus was equal to five months of their regular pay, a medium-sized bonus was equivalent to about two weeks pay and a small bonus was a day's pay.

There was little difference in the performance of those receiving the small and medium-sized bonuses, while recipients of large bonuses performed worst.


More than a century ago, an experiment with rats in a maze rigged with electric shocks came to a similar conclusion. Every day, the rats had to learn how to navigate a new maze safely.

When the electric shocks were low, the rats had little incentive to avoid them. At medium intensity they learned their environment more quickly.

But when the shock intensity was very high, it seemed the rats could not focus on anything other than the fear of the shock.

This may provide lessons for regulators who want to change Wall Street's bonus culture, Ariely said. Paying no bonus or smaller bonuses could help fix skewed incentives without loss of talent.

"The reality is, a lot of places are able to attract great quality people without paying them what bankers are paid," Ariely said. "Do you think bankers are inherently smarter than other people? I don't." (Reporting by Kristina Cooke; Editing by Daniel Trotta)

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Maze cartoon of Iran stuck between a rock and a hard place. By Yonatan Frimer

Maze Cartoon:
Iran is stuck between a rock (Iraq) and a hard place (Afghanistan) Created by Yonatan Frimer

maze cartoon of Iran stuck between a rock and a hard place

Maze cartoon of a map of the middle-east. Iran is marked as "Stuck" and Iraq is "A Rock" and Afghanistan is marked "A Hard Place. To allude to the fact that Iran is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution.

Links to more mazes by Yonatan Frimer
Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon
Political Maze on Go Comics
Maze art on Ink Blot Mazes
Buy Maze Art on Fine Art America
Maze Blog

More on this maze's topic:


The United Nations Security Council approved a new round of sanctions against Iran last week for its refusal to curb the country's nuclear program, which the U.S. and its allies suspect is aimed at producing weapons. Iran denies that.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran favors a dialogue with the West, but will announce its conditions soon. He said the carrot-and-stick approach doesn't work and Iran will not make "one iota of concessions" to the West.

"You showed bad temper, reneged on your promise and again resorted to devilish manners," he said of the powers that imposed sanctions. "We set conditions (for talks) so that, God willing, you'll be punished a bit and sit at the negotiating table like a polite child," he told a crowd during a visit to the central Iranian town of Shahr-e-Kord. His speech was broadcast live on state TV.

Click here to read the full AP article

Some other popular mazes:

Maze Of Monkeys jumping off a building in 3-D maze goodnessMaze of Monkeys in 3-D
Maze Kong - by Yonatan Frimer

Mushroom Maze
mushroom maze
Maze-a-delic by Yonatan Frimer

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Monday, June 14, 2010


Rodent of the Week: How habits are formed

Rodent of the Week: How habits are formed

June 11, 2010

Rodent_of_the_week When I was in high school, I had to drive a long distance on a freeway to get to school. After arriving, I often wondered how I got there. I didn't remember the drive or even thinking about driving.

This feeling is a common (and, yes, somewhat scary) experience that a group of neuroscientists think they can better explain. In an experiment with rats, researchers at MIT identified two distinct neural circuits in the brain that show distinct changes when the rats were learning to navigate a maze and, later, after they mastered the task.

The rats were placed in a maze that had chocolate sprinkles at the end. The activity in specific parts of their brains was analyzed as they learned the maze, which included a T-juncture where they had to stop and choose to turn right or left. The rats performed the maze repeatedly until they had learned it.

The study showed that one specific neural circuit became stronger with practice. A second neural circuit showed high activity occurring at times when the rats had to make a decision in the maze. But as they learned the maze, activity in this circuit declined. The task had become habitual.

So, arriving at school in one piece wasn't just a matter of luck. "It is good to know that we can train our brains to develop good habits and avoid bad ones," the lead author of the study, Ann Graybiel, said in a news release.

Understanding how specific regions of the brain change through learning could help in developing new treatments for brain-based diseases. The study was published Thursday in the journal Neuron.

-- Shari Roan

Photo credit: Advanced Cell Technology Inc.

Some cool mazes, maze art and maze cartoons
Mushroom maze
Maze A Delical
Maze of Mushrooms by Yonatan Frimer 2006
Maze Portrait of Albert Einstein.
Celebrity, artword, celebrities, portraits, famous,  Portait maze of albert einstein
"Genius Maze" - By Y. Frimer

Maze Cartoon of Erdogans comparison of Flotilla raid to September 11th.

Maze cartoon of erdogan on flotilla and armenian genocide

Maze cartoon of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan comparing the Flotilla raid to September 11th. Someone from the crowd asks how it would "stack up against the Armenian Genocide." Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the maze solution.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010


Maze Cartoon Chemtrails Vs. Kassam Rockets By Yonatan Frimer

Cartoon Maze Chemtrails Vs. Kassam Rockets By Yonatan Frimer
maze cartoon of chemtrails vs kassams Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon of two monkeys talking about the skies in the USA and in Israel. In the USA there are "Chemtrails from who knows what" and in Israel their are Qassams that "We know are from Gaza" Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution.

Links to more Yonatan Frimer Maze Cartoons:
Buy Maze Art on Fine Art America
Daily maze cartoon, Political Maze, By Yonatan Frimer
Ink Blot Mazes - Maze Art by Yonatan Frimer
Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon - Updated Daily!
One of Yonatan Frimer's Maze Blogs

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Thursday, June 10, 2010


A Week In The Life Of Helen Thomas, A Maze Cartoon by Yonatan Frimer

Maze cartoon of a week in the life of Helen Thomas. By Yonatan Frimer

Week in the life of Helen Thomas

Maze cartoon of a week in the life of Helen Thomas. First she tells the Jews to go back to Germany, then says she is sorry, then quits her job.
Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution.

Links to more Yonatan Frimer Mazes:
Latest maze cartoons on Team Of Monkeys Political Maze
Political Maze - Daily cartoon on Go Comics
Ink Blot Maze - Maze Art by Yonatan Frimer
Buy maze art on Fine Art America
Maze Blog

What is this maze talking about? learn more...

Helen Thomas's controversial voice

I am appalled that Helen Thomas's comments on Israel prevent her from speaking at Walt Whitman High School's commencement ["Helen Thomas bows out of speech," Metro, June 7]. I am also disgusted that Ari Fleischer and Lanny Davis conducted a campaign to punish Ms. Thomas, no doubt as retribution for her outspoken questions when they served in earlier administrations. Freedom of speech, however, is lost to their petty maneuvering.

Most of us would not agree with Ms. Thomas's unfortunate and seemingly uninformed comments about where Jews might live in peace. But she has the right to say what she thinks, and listeners can decide whether she is foolish, biased and out of touch. Had she spoken at Whitman, perhaps she would have retracted, perhaps she would have lamented further . . . or maybe not.

Whitman's cancellation under...Read entire article

Photography Prints

Some other popular mazes:

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Editorial cartoons on flotilla raid and diplomatic fallout. By Yonatan Frimer

For Immediate Release -

Near Ashdod, Israel, June 7, 2010 -

The recent headlines have been focusing on the Israeli "Flotilla raid", specifically the raid on the Mavi Marmara. This week, we give you 5 (five) maze cartoons centered around this topic. You may use these for editorial purposes and in any other way you'd like, no charge.

Follow this link to view this week's maze cartoons.

Topics of this week's maze cartoons:
* Erdogan's comparison of flotilla raid to 9/11; How does it stack up against the Armenian Genocide?
* The things the flotilla has left in its' wake.
* Israel's public relation teams: 3 stooges and a barrel of monkeys.
* Which form of Islam is true?
* Who you calling chicken? Turkey AKP surrounded by terrorist chickens.

Again, the link to get these at is

About Yonatan Frimer:
Yonatan Frimer is a syndicated editorial cartoonist. Aside from being laugh-out-loud funny,or at least chuckle-worthy, each of Frimer's cartoons is also a maze. In anticipation of his soon-to-be-announced book, he is releasing 6-months worth of editorial cartoons on current events at no charge to newspapers and news outlets around the world.

Yonatan Frimer is also available as a freelance maze artist & cartoonist, able to create custom mazes for your newspaper at only $250 per maze. He can make custom mazes for your puzzles section, portraits of your staff, poke fun at local issues, or anything else you might want.

Contact: Yonatan Frimer
Phone: +972-545-683-040
Cartoon website:
Maze art website:

URL for this weeks cartoons:


Released Monday, June 7th, 2010

You may print or publish these cartoon mazes at no cost.


  • Links to printable versions and the solutions are under each cartoon.
  • Please attribute to Yonatan Frimer at
  • Yonatan Frimer is available as a freelance cartoonist, for more info click here.

Erdogan & comparison of Flotilla to September 11th.
Maze cartoon of erdogan on flotilla and armenian genocide

Maze cartoon of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan comparing the Flotilla raid to September 11th. Someone from the crowd asks how it would "stack up against the Armenian Genocide." Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the maze solution.

****Advertisement: Hire Yonatan Frimer as a freelance cartoonist for only $250 ****

Cartoon Maze of the Gaza Flotilla and what it left in its wake.
Maze cartoon of gaza flotilla by Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon of the Gaza Flotilla. The boat leaves in its wake violence, diplomatic crisis, sympathy for terrorist, lies, and of course an Israeli PR overhaul. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the maze solution.

****Advertisement: Get "Political Maze" emailed to you daily by GoComics ****

Cartoon Maze of Israel's PR team. Barrel of Monkeys and 3 Stooges
Maze of 3 stooges and barrel of monkeys, israel PR team
Maze cartoon of Israel's incompetent public relations team. A barrel of monkeys and the 3 stooges. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here or on the image for the maze solution.

****Advertisement: Buy maze art for your home or office. ****

Cartoon Maze: Which Islam is the true one? By Yonatan FrimerMaze cartoon of sunni, shia, islam infidel.
Maze cartoon of a muslim preacher at the pulpit exlaiming "Islam is the only true religion." A voice from the crowd asks, "Shi'a or Sunni?" The speaker responds, "INFIDEL!!!" Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution.

****Advertisement: Check out some cool maze art ****

Cartoon Maze: Who you calling chicken? By Yonatan FrimerMaze cartoon on Turkey saying "who you calling chicken" by Yonatan Frimer
Maze cartoon of a bunch of chickens, labeled with the name of terrorist groups around a Turkey, labeled AKP, the ruling party in Turkey, and the Turkey exclaims, "Who you calling chicken!" Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution.


To contact the artist, Yonatan Frimer, please email
To order prints-on-demand of these cartoons and other mazes for your offices, please click here.

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use from our previous maze releases

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Friday, June 4, 2010


Which is the true Islam? Shia or Sunni? Maze Cartoon by Yonatan Frimer

Cartoon Maze: Which Islam is the true one? By Yonatan FrimerMaze cartoon of sunni, shia, islam infidel.
Maze cartoon of a muslim preacher at the pulpit exclaiming "Islam is the only true religion." A voice from the crowd asks, "Shi'a or Sunni?" The speaker responds, "INFIDEL!!!" Created by Yonatan Frimer
Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution.

Check out these links for more Yonatan Frimer mazes:
Political Maze on Go Comics
Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoons
Ink Blot Mazes Maze Art
Maze art print-on-demand on Fine Art America
Maze Blog

The division between Sunnis and Shi'a is the largest and oldest in the history of Islam. Floral tiled columns in blue, gold and white © Steve Estvanik/iStockphoto

The division between Sunnis and Shi'as is the largest and oldest in the history of Islam.

They both agree on the fundamentals of Islam and share the same Holy Book (The Qur'an), but there are differences mostly derived from their different historical experiences, political and social developments, as well as ethnic composition.

These differences originate from the question of who would succeed....(click here to read the article in full)

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