Thursday, July 21, 2011
Binary Options Trading: Skating on thick ice
Now a new wave of investment is coming to light primarily thanks to our technology rich world. Binary trading is a complex financial instrument that allows you to basically place bets on how you think a stock, commodity, mutual fund, or other indice will perform. Using a combination of attributes in the Black Scholes Theory, you can basically make money by making small predictions on how the market will perform in the next few minutes or hours. The beauty of Binary Options Trading is that you can look at a graph of how the stock, commodity or other marker performs for the last hour, and predict how it will continue to move the next few minutes.
The main thing with Binary Options Trading is to not get emotional with your purchases. A common problem is when someone looses on a position that appeared to be doing well at first, and the person will simply take another bet, and very quickly, with the hopes of being able to recoupe the initial lost. DON:T DO THIS!
Good luck out there!
Labels: binary options, Binary trading, forex, make money, nasdaq, options trading, stocks
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Maze of Tornado Forming by Yonatan Frimer
Maze of Tornado Forming

Maze of a twisted and warped time-space.
This maze should be fairly easy for you to solve but if you can't,
then you can find the solution to the twisted and warped maze
Top Eleven Places to download the Twisted and Wraped Maze
- Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Devian Art
- Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Fine Art America
- Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
- Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on TwitPic
- Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze On Rossello Damiano
- Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Photobucket
- Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Saatchi Online
- Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Live Journal
- Tornado Twisted and WarpedMaze on Picassa
- Tornado Twisted and Warped Maze on Red Bubble
- Twisted Tornado Maze on Blogger
- Tornado Twisted maze again on Blogger (de facto maze)
Labels: art, coriolis, cyclone, effect, maze, mazes, optical illusion, science, spin, storm, tornado, twisted, yonatan frimer
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Awesome Optical Illusion Maze Art
The Electric Maze Optical Illusion

Maze of an off-centered optical illusion of an electrical swirl
If you can't solve this maze, have a look at the Electric Optical Illusion maze solution
Top 10 places to download the Electric Optical Illusion Maze
- Electricl Swirl Maze on Devian Art
- Electric Swirl off center Maze on Flickr
- Electric Swirl Maze TwitPic
- Electric swirl Maze On Rossello Damiano
- Electric Optical Illusion Maze on Photobucket
- Electric Swirl Maze on Saatchi Online
- Electric Swirl Maze on Live Journal
- Electric Swirl Maze on Picassa
- Electric Swirl Maze on Red Bubble
- More Optical Illusion Mazes
Rorschach Maze
Some see a sun, a moon, a face, a bugs face, a happy bug, and much more.
Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lowe right.
If you find that this maze is a bit to hard for you, you can check out the Maze solution for Rorschach maze
Top 12 Places to download the Rorschach maze
- Rorschach Maze on Devian Art
- Maze Rorschach on Fine Art America
- Rorschach Maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
- Maze of Rorschach TwitPic
- Rorschach Maze On Rossello Damiano
- Maze of Rorschach on Photobucket
- Rorschach Maze on Saatchi Online
- Rorschach Maze on Live Journal
- Rorschach Maze on Picassa
- RorschachMaze on Red Bubble
- More optical illusion mazes
Swirly Tunnel Optical Illusion Maze
Maze of a tunnel swirling in various directions and making it harder to solve
Maze begins in the upper left corner and exits in the lower right.
If you get too dizzy and can't solve the maze,
don you worry about all the haze
Just click right here and your problems resolved
Alas the vortex tunnel spinning maze is solved
Top 10 Places to download Vortex Spin Tunnel Maze:
- Vortex Spin Maze on Devian Art
- Maze of Tunnel Vortex Spin on Fine Art America
- Vortex Tunnel Maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
- Maze of Tunnel Vortex on TwitPic
- Vortex Tunnel Maze Artists Meeting Place
- Vortex Tunnel Maze on Saatchi Online
- Vortex Tunnel Maze on Picassa
- Vortex Spinning Maze on Red Bubble
- More Optical Illusion Mazes
Paparazzi Maze Optical Illusion of camera flash.

This maze was inspired by how I imagine the famous must feel being chased after by flashing cameras
You may not be able to solve the paparazzi problems in the world, but you can solve this maze.
And if you can't solve the maze, you can visit the Paparazzi Maze Solution
Top Twelve Places to Download The Paparazzi Maze
- Paparazzi Maze on Devian Art
- Paparazzi Maze on Fine Art America
- Paparazzi Maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
- Paparazzi Maze on TwitPic
- Paparazzi Maze On Rossello Damiano
- Paparazzi Maze on Photobucket
- Paparazzi Maze on Saatchi Online
- Paparazzi Maze on Live Journal
- Paparazzi Maze on Picassa
- Paparazzi Maze on Red Bubble More Optical Illusion Mazes
Labels: frimer, maze, maze art, maze artist. fun, mazes, optical illusion, puzzle, yonatan
Monday, May 2, 2011
Chaos Maze of Optical Illusion by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of artists rendition of Chaos mixed with Optical Illusion mantra
Chaos ( /ˈkeɪ.ɒs/;[1] Greek: χάος ) in Greek mythology and cosmology referred to a gap or abyss at the beginning of the world, or more generally the initial, formless state of the universe[2] (the antithetical, or possibly complementary, concept was cosmos).
Later uses of the term by philosophers varied over time. In modern English, the word is used in classical studies with the original meaning; in mathematics and science to refer to a very specific kind of unpredictability; and informally to mean a state of confusion.[3] In philosophy, and in popular culture, the word can occur with all three meanings.
- Chaos Maze on Devian Art
- Maze Chaos on Fine Art America
- Chaos Maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
- Maze of Chaos TwitPic
- Chaos Maze On Rossello Damiano
- Maze of Chaos on Photobucket
- Chaos Maze on Saatchi Online
- Chaos Maze on Live Journal
- Chaos Maze on Picassa
- Chaos Maze on Red Bubble
- Chaos Maze on Team Of Monkeys . com
- Check out this and other maze on ArtMaze blog on wordpress
- Chaos maze on I Dream Of Mazes maze-blog
Labels: chaos, chaos maze, dizzy, drousy, frimer, fun, maze, maze art, mazes, optical illusion, optical illusion mazes, puzzle, squint, yonatan, yonatan frimer
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Jewish Pride Maze by Yonatan Frimer
Jewish Pride Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a Star of David hovering afront a glowing center orb of some sort. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Having problems solving the maze? View the maze solution to Jewish Pride Maze, in the rare event you can't solve this maze on your own :)
Labels: fun, jewish art, judaica, maze, maze art, mazes, psychedelic, puzzle, yonatan frimer
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Awesome Optical Illusion Mazes by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of artists rendition of the inside of a Mobius Strip.
Top Twelve Places to Download Mobius Maze
- Picassa Web Just Do It Nike Maze
- Mobius Maze on Devian Art
- Maze of Mobius Strip on Fine Art America
- Mobius Maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes on Facebook
- Maze of Mobius Strip on TwitPic
- Mobius Maze Online
- Maze of Mobius Strip on Photobucket
- Mobius Maze on Saatchi Online
- Twisted Mobius Maze on Live Journal
- Mobius Maze on Picassa
- Mobius Maze on a Maze Blog
"Please Stop Spinning" Optical Illusion Maze

Maze of a crazy optical illusion that causes the viewer to think that the circles are moving or spinning, although they don't change or move at all.
- Picassa Web Maze of Spinning Super Swirl
- Swirly Spinning Maze on Devian Art
- Please stop spinning maze on Fine Art America
- Spin to stop maze on Flickr
- Optical Illusion Mazes Facebook
- Please STOP Spinning Maze on TwitPic
- Super Swirly Maze Optical Illusion
- Maze Super Spin Please Stop on Photobucket
- Swirly Super Maze on Saatchi Online
- Super Swirly Maze on Live Journal
- Super Swirly Optical Illusion Maze on Red Bubble
- Please Stop Spinning Maze on Maze BLOG

Maze art of a Doppler warping elliptical spiral by Yonatan Frimer
Top Thirteen Places to Download Doppler Elliptical Maze
- Eliptical Maze on Devian Art
- Maze Eliptical Dopler on Fine Art America
- Maze Dopler El Eliptical on Flickr
- Dopler Maze on Facebook
- Maze Elliptical Spiral on TwitPic
- Dopler Maze Rossello Damiano
- Maze Psychedelic Nike Just Do It on Photobucket
- Dopler Maze on Saatchi
- Eliptical Maze on Live Journal
- Dopler Maze on Picassa Web
- Eliptical Spiral Maze on Red Bubble
- Dopler Eliptical Spiral Maze on
- Doppler Maze Blog

Maze of two Hamsas (Hand of Fatima) for the eyes, a magen david (AKA Star of David) and a menorah make the crude appearance of a smiley face. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Having problems solving the mazes, view the maze solution to happy judaica Maze, in the rare even you can't solve this maze on your own
Top Eleven Ways to Download the Happy Judaica Maze
- Judaica Maze Art on Facebook
- Happy Judaica Maze on Fine Art America
- Picassa Web Maze of Happy Judaica
- Judaica Maze Art on Devian Art
- Happy Jewish Maze on Flickr
- Judaica Happy Maze on the TwitPic
- Maze of Happy Judaica on Photobucket
- Happy Judaica Maze on Saatchi
- Happy Judaica Maze on Live Journal
- Get Happy Judaica Maze on Red Bubble
- Happy Judaica maze on Maze blog
Labels: frimer, fun, illusion, illusions, maze, maze art, maze artist, mazes, optical, optical illusion, optical illusions, psychedelic, puzzles, yonatan, yonatan frimer
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Optical Illusion Mazes - By Yonatan Frimer
Optical Illusion Maze | Hurts The Eyes | Floating Box Illusion

Hurts-The-Eyes Optical Illusion Maze | Maze of floating box optical illusion | Yonatan Frimer
Close your eyes and look away if you feet faint or dizzy. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Top eleven Places to find the Psychedelic Optical Illusion "Hurts The Eyes" Maze:
- Hurts the Eyes Optical Illusion Maze on Facebook
- Hurts The Eyes Optical Illusion on Fine Art America
- Picassa Web Maze of Optical Illusion that hurts the eyes
- Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Maze that hurts the eys on Devian Art
- Hurts the Eyes Optical illusion Maze by Yonatan Frimer on Flickr
- Maze of Optical Illusion that hurts the eye and is of a floating box on TwitPic
- Maze of an Optical Illusion that Hurts The Eyes on Photobucket
- Maze of optical illusion that hurts the eyes on Saatchi Online
- Optical Illusion Maze that hurts the eyes by Yonatan Frimer on Live Journal
- Get the Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion that Hurts The Eyes at the source at Team Of Monkeys . Com
- Or Check out The Maze Blog for the Optical Illusion that Hurts The Eyes
Optical Illusion Maze | Your Ad Here Campaign | Maze Ad

Swirly Optical Illusion Maze | Maze with psychedelic swirly | Maze Ads | Yonatan Frimer
Graphic sample to be used with a logo or ad in the middle. Created by Yonatan Frimer
Top Eleven Places to find the Psychedelic Optical Illusion Swirly Maze:
- Psychedelic Optical Illusion Maze on Facebook
- Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Swirly Maze on Fine Art America
- Picassa Web Maze of Optical Illusion Swirly Psychedelic Puzzle
- Yonatan Frimer Optical Illusion Maze on Devian Art
- Psychedelic swirly maze by Yonatan Frimer on Flickr
- Maze of Optical Illusion Psychedelic Swirl by Yonatan Frimer on TwitPic
- Optical Illusion Maze By Yonatan Frimer on Rossello Damiano
- Maze of an Optical Illusion Swirly Vortex on Photobucket
- Maze of optical illusion swirly by Yonatan Frimer on Saatchi Online
- Optical Illusion Maze by Yonatan Frimer on Live Journal
- Or get the swirly optical illusion maze at the maze blog
Maze Source here
Labels: activity, hurts the eyes, maze, mazes, optical illusion, swirly vortex, yonatan frimer
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